All Unions to Rally at County Council for MCPS Budget Funds

 Please mark your calendars for this Thursday, February 27th @5:30 PM in Rockville at the County Council Building– come attend our All Unions Rally to advocate to the County Council and the community that we need them to fully fund the MCPS budget. Our voice matters to ensure we do not have additional budget cuts that could include changes to the compensation that we have already negotiated for next year and additional position cuts, that would impact our members. Each union President will speak as well as our Superintendent, BOE President, and several community members. The media will be present and a Press Conference will be held. MCAAP members will wear BLACK, lets not be drowned out by those in RED and PURPLE representing MCEA and SEIU. They need to see and know that MCAAPs VOICE MATTERS TOO and that we want our MONEY!