Montgomery County Association of Administrators and Principals

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Advocacy needed support SB113

It is time to let our voices be heard with our State Senators.

Dr. Jeffrey Sullivan Honored with the Dr. Edward Shirley Award for Excellence in Educational Administration and Supervision.

Mark your calendars Wednesday June 18th,2025 at the Sheraton Baltimore North.

Your monthly investment in AFSA provides a number of benefits including a host of insurance policies. However, AFSA must have your most current information on file, or you will not qualify for these benefits or you may be denied coverage.

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Recent News

 Please mark your calendars for this Thursday, February 27th @5:30 PM in Rockville at the County Council Building– come attend our All Unions Rally to advocate to the County Council and the community that we need them to fully fund the MCPS budget. Our voice matters to ensure we do not have additional budget cuts that could include changes to the compensation that we have already negotiated for next year and additional position cuts, that would impact our members. Each union President will speak as well as our Superintendent, BOE President, and several community members.

The Montgomery County Board of Education is accepting nominations for its prestigious Awards for Distinguished Service to Public Education. The awards celebrate individuals, groups and businesses that have made a lasting impact on the educational experience within the county.

National Career Technology Month - "Celebrate today. Own Tomorrow"


Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is proud to honor Black History Month with a month-long celebration of history, culture and achievement. Throughout February, students, staff and the community will engage in meaningful activities that highlight the contributions of Black leaders.